500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Bali Yoga School | Kabupaten Gianyar, Indonesia | Village
Bali Yoga School offers affordable Multi-style Ashtanga/ Hatha/ Vinyasa flow based 500 hour yoga teacher training in Bali. This intensive yoga course is designed to be practiced by beginner, intermediate and advanced level yoga students. The training is challenging which equip the yoga teachers with both physical and theoretical knowledge of yoga.
The top yoga school has a wonderful place where you learn to establish both as student and teacher of yoga physically and mentally. Yoga School in Bali helps you to achieve excellence in the field of yoga and allow you discover new aspects to learn, teach and embrace yoga. The 500 hour yoga teacher training in Bali yoga school is structured to fulfill all advance learning and practice of yoga. Our yoga instructors will teach the teaching practical methodology for physical postures (Asana), breath control (pranayama), meditation, Yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, yoga therapy, mantras.
500 hour yoga teacher training is for those who want to become a highly skilled yoga teacher; improve their physical, mental and spiritual well-being and want to improve their personal yoga practice techniques. During this training program, we also emphasize on the personal growth to become a good person. We offer a safe and supportive learning environment where you can practice yoga and learn theoretical and interactive teaching methodologies. After completion of 500 hour yoga teacher training, the yoga students will be awarded a Yoga Alliance certification.
Are you looking to join the advanced yoga teacher training course to become a skilled teacher? If yes, then register with Bali Yoga School for 500 hour yoga teacher training in Bali.
1st month is followed by 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus
Foundational Asanas Group
Ashtanga Yoga Postures
Ashtanga yoga primary series sequence made by K. pattabhi jois, In 200 hours yoga TTC we teach our students basics of Ashtanga yoga and we guide them through the completely Ashtanga yoga series in a systematically way according to the ashtanga yoga tradition which includes-
- Sun salutation A
- Sun salutation B
- Standing sequence postures
- Seated sequence postures
- Finishing sequence postures
- Mysore style/ use of yoga props/ Teaching practice
On 1st week- introduction to Ashtanga yoga followed by Sun salutation A & B.
On 2 nd week – Standing sequence postures & use of yoga props.
On 3 rd week – Seated sequence postures & Finishing sequence postures.
On 4 th week – Mysore style & Teaching practice.
Hatha Yoga/ Vinyasa Flow (Asanas) 1 st week
- Sun Salutations
- Standing & Balancing
- Seated
- Prone
- Supine
- Backbends
- Inversions
4th Week
- Teachings
- Doubts
- Meditation
- Introduction to meditation
- Guided Meditation
- Breathing Awareness Meditation
- Om / Mantra Meditation
- Trataka
- Dynamic meditation
- Tips for developing concertation Silence Practice
- Ajapa jap/ Antar mouna & Yog nidra
Anatomy 1st week
- Meaning and Importance/Introduction of anatomy and physiology
Introduction of skeleton structure and functions
Bone anatomy and human skeleton system
Important names of human skeleton system
Introduction of joints
Function of all types of joints
Types of synovial joints and their functions
Types of cartilage and connective tissues
Pectoral girdle introduction and functions
Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)
- What is Yoga and Origin of Yoga
- Types Of Yoga
- Karma Yoga
- Bhakti Yoga
- Gyana Yoga
- Raja Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Five Elements
- Kleshas
- Pranayama
- Shatkaramas
- Nadis
- Chakras
- Mudras
- Bandhas
- Koshas
- Bhagavad Gita
Pranayama (Breathing Practices)
- Introduction of Pranayama
- Benefits of pranayama
- General guidelines
- Clavicular
- Thorocic and Diaphragmatic Breathing (Yogic Breathing)
- Ujjayi
- Bhastrika
- Kapalbhati
- Nadi – Sodhana
- Bhramari
Surya – Bhedi & Chandra – Bhedi Sheetali & Sheetkari
Mudras (Yoga Gestures)
- Jnana mudra
- Chin mudra
- Bhairava mudra
- Nasikagra
Yoga Bandhas (Energy Lock)
- Preparation
- Uddiyana
- Jalandhar
- Mula & Maha Bandha
Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)
- Rubber-neti
- Jalaneti
- Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs
Sitting postures for pranayama sadhana
- Easy pose
- Half-lotus
- Swastikasana
- siddha yoni asana
Teaching Practice & Methodology
- Demonstration
- Alignment
- Instructions
- Adjustment
Evaluation are based on
- Written Test
- Asana Practical Test
- Attendance
- Performance
- Behaviour
2nd month is followed by 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus
Asana (Advance Group)
Mastering Hatha / Vinyasa Flow (1st Week)
- Introduction of Hatha & Vinyasa flow
- Pawanmuktasana series A
- Surya namaskar (Hatha)
- Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
- Trikonasana
- Parsvokonasana
- Privarta Trikonasana
- Privarta Parsvokanasana
- Virbhadrasana A,B,C
- Ardha chandrasana
- Chaturangadandasana
- Mathchendrasana A,B,C
- Adra Ustrasana
- Salabhasana
- Setabandasana
- Gatyatmak Paschimottasana
- Pada prasar Paschimottasana
- Saithalyasana
- Sarvangasana
- Core exercises
Week 2 nd & 3 rd
- Surya namaskar A,B (ashtanga)
- Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
- Standing-
- Veerbhadrasana A,B,C
- Trikonasana
- Parsvottanasana
- Parsvokonasana
- Privirta Trikonasana
- Privirta Parsvokonasana
- Ardha chandrasana
- Utthita hasta padangusthasana
- Natrajasana
- Vriksasana
- Garudasana
- Eka pada uttanasana
- Natavarasana
- Tandavasana
- Eka padasana
- Vatayanasana
- Pada angushtasana
- Baka dhyanasana
- Eka pada baka dhyanasana
- Eka hasta bhujasana
- Santolanasana
- Vashisthasana
- Poorna matsyendrasana
- Marichyasana C, D
- Eka pada rajakaputasana
- Raja kaputasana
- Poorna ustrasana
- Dhanurasana
- Poorna shalabhbasana
- Poorna chakrasana
- Parighasana
- Koormasana
- Upavistakonasana
- Ubhaya padangustasana
- Urdvamukha paschimottasana
- Hanumanasana
- Bhoonamansana
- Laguvajarasana
- Badhakonasana
- Vishwamitrasana
- Kashyapasana
- Inverted asanas-
- Bhumi padamastakasana
- Vipreetakarani Asana
- Sarvangasana
- Padma Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Ardha padma halasana
- Sirshasana
- Salamba sirshasana
- Niralambasana
- Urdhwa padmasana
- Leg stretching
Week 4 th –
- Teaching
- Doubts
- Questions / Answer
Pranayama (Breathing Control)
- Introduction of Paranayama
- The pranic body-
- Annamaya kosha
- Manomaya kosha
- Pranamaya Kosha
- Vijnanamaya Kosha
- Anandamaya Kosha
- Natural Breathing
- Abdominal Breathing
- Thoracic Breathing
- Clavicular Breathing
- Yogic breathing
- Nadi shodhana
- Pranayama & It techniques
- Sheetali Pranayama & It techniques Sheetkari pranayama
- Bhramari pranayama
- Ujjayi pranayama
- Bhastika Pranayama
- Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Moorchha Pranayama
- Surya Bheda Pranayama
- Chandra bhedana pranayama
- Swana pranayama
Shatkarma (Yoga cleansing)
- Introduction to shatkarma
- Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water)
- Rubber neti (Nasal cleansing with a rubber string)
Bandhas (Energy locks)
- Introduction to bandha
- Jalandhara bandha
- Moola bandha
- Uddiyana bandha
- Maha bandha
Mudra (Yoga Gestures)
- Introduction of Mudras
- Jnana & Chin mudra
- Yoni mudra
- Bhairava mudra
Dhayan (Meditation)
- Introduction to Meditation
- Why Meditation ?
- Meditation and Brain waves Meditation and its effect on Stress
- Obstacles in Meditation
- Role of concentration in Meditation
- Tips for developing concentration
- Meditation on Body and Breath
- Om / Mantra Meditation
- Antat and Bahir
- Trataka
- Dynamic meditation
- Yog nidra
- Ajapa japa
- Antar mouna
- Nada Meditation
Mastering Ashtanga Primary Series & Advance postures
- The Complete traditional way of practice & teaching.
- Drishti
- Bandhas
- Breath
- Ashtanga is taught with vinyasa
On 1 st week – Introduction to Traditional Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa & sun salutation A & B.
On 2 nd week – Seated sequence postures & Finishing Sequence postures.
On 3 rd week – Some Advance postures/ Teaching methods/ Teaching by students.
On 4 th week – Questions & Answer / Feedback by teacher on improvements.
Anatomy & phisology- 1st week
- Brief introduction of skeleton system & function
Anatomy of shoulder & function with the important name of muscles
Anatomy of pelvic griddle with muscles names
Spine anatomy & function/ importance in yoga practice
Kundalini shakti introduction & function
Chakra introduction & function with the endocrine system
Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
Prana introduction & importance in organ function
Panchakosha importance in function of the body
Yoga therapy- 1st week
- Concept of ayurveda, meaning & importance in daily lifestyle
- Tridosa, agni, anna, malas, gunas importance & function
- Types of personalities & their characterstic
- Food habits & diet acoording tridosha
- Activities/ exercises & assignment
2nd Week-
- Bones disorder, Diseases & treatment
- Diseases of pestoral girdle & treatment
- Diseases of pelvic girdle & treatment
- Diseases of spinal column & treatment
- Major muscles and nerve injuries & treatment
- Tendonits & ligments injuries & therapy
3rd Week-
- Gluteal amnesia, piriformis syndrome & therapy
- Anterior pelvic tlit & other hip problems & cure
- Respiratory diseases & cure.
- Cardiovascular diseases & therapy
- Gastrointestinal disorder & therapy
4th week-
- Submission of assignments
- Rivision
- Practical exam :presentation on one topic
Yoga Philosophy
- Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Teaching Practice
- Demonstration & Teaching methodology
- Alignment
- Instructions
Evaluation are based on
- Written Test
- Asana Practical Test
- Attendance
- Performance
- Behaviour
Daily Schedule
1st month is followed by 200 Hours Teacher Training daily schedule-
Time Schedule
5:30 Am Morning Bell
6:00- 7:00 Am Shatkarma & Pranayama
7:00- 8:30 Am Hatha/ Vinyasa flow Yoga
9:00 Am Breakfast
10:00 -11:00 Am Yoga philosophy
11:00- 12:00 pm Meditation
12:00- 1:00 Pm Yoga Anatomy/ Alignment/ Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
1:00- 2:00 Pm Lunch
2:00- 4:00 pm Free time
4:00- 5:30 Pm Ashtanga Yoga
5:30 Pm Tea Break
7:00- 8:00 Pm Dinner
9:00 pm Lights off
2nd month is followed by 300 hours yoga daily schedule-
Time Schedule
5:30 Am Morning bell
6:00 – 7:00 Am Shatkarma & Pranayama
7:00 – 8:30 Am Hatha/ Vinyasa flow yoga
9:00 Am Breakfast
10:00 – 11:00 Am Meditation
11:00 – 12:00 pm Yoga Philosophy
12:00 – 1:00 Pm Yoga Anatomy/ Alignment/ Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
1:00 Pm Lunch
3:00 – 4:00 Pm Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda
4:00 – 5:30 Pm Ashtanga Yoga
5:30 Pm Tea Break
7:00- 8:00 Pm Dinner
9:00 Pm Lights Off

Private Rooms
Wi-Fi/ Internet , Double Bed , Western-Style Bathroon , Hot Water Facility ,

Shared Room
Wi-Fi/ Internet , Single Bed , Western-Style Bathroon , Hot Water Facility ,

Bali Yoga School is one of the prominent yoga school in Bali that offers you a traditional natural wellness journey in the mesmerising environment of Ubud (Bali). Our yoga classes have a creative blend of the classical and modern Style. Taking inspiration from the great yoga gurus of all time #Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, #Swami Sivananda, #B K S Iyengar, #K Pattabhi Jois and many more, we have developed life transforming yoga teacher training courses in bali which are challenging but at the same time it heals the physical and mental problems with fun to take you in blissful conscious state which is free from the suffering of pain & pleasure. We ensure your stay be something that you can take for your whole life. At Bali Yoga School you will be nurtured and our team will be there to look after you. Bali yoga school is offering 200 hours Ashtanga & Vinyasa flow yoga teacher training, 300 hours Ashtanga & Vinyasa flow yoga teacher training, 500 hours Ashtanga & Vinyasa flow yoga teacher training in Bali and 6 days yoga retreat in Bali, our courses are affiliated with yoga alliance USA, Yoga alliance UK, Yoga alliance inter-national and teachings are based on traditional Ashtanga yoga & Vinyasa flow.
As a leading yoga school in Bali (Island), we are proud to have a team of accomplished yogis who teach students the true yogic lifestyle so that they can too discover their true power within through the right practices of yoga.
Why Join Bali Yoga School?
We are recognized as the profound yoga school in Bali for yoga, meditation and yoga retreats. With years of experience listening to the needs of yoga students, we continue to help yoga learners in making yoga accessible. We have very experienced yoga teachers and instructors from around the world who make your stay at Bali Yoga School unforgettable.
Our yoga school offers a number of courses for those who want to become a yoga teacher in the future. We start planning from the day, you join us. We take care of your food preferences, favorite color, and activity level to offer you the best experience.
So, what are you waiting for? Join a yoga course to explore yoga and yourself in Bali.
Our Mission
We believe in sharing the holistic living principles of yoga and eternal wisdom in accessible way. We strive to become a heart center of excellence in the field of Healing, meditation and traditional yogateachings. We want to share community development and sustainable lifestyles based on the yoga’s principles around the whole world to make the life better.
Our Vision
We believe that the practice of yoga on a regular basis can enhance the physical, mental and spiritual health of the people. The produced ripple effect because of this will roam among your surrounding people, community and workforce that influence everyone positively. Bali Yoga School welcome people who come to us for living a healthier life. We ensure that our place remain safe and lovely for our students.
Our Ethics
Our ethics guides the yoga faculty at our yoga school to support the yoga practice of the students. The yoga practices and lifestyles aim to integrate mind, body, heart and spirit; it awakens the students to their congenital wholeness. We do not believe in any kind of discrimination against anyone based on caste, race, gender, religion, nationality or sexual orientation.
How to Reach
- Closest Airport
- The best and most convenient way to travel for Bali is to take flight to Denpasar Bali airport. Denpasar Bali airport is merely 38 kms from school.As soon as you book your flight, forward us your flight details and we will send our driver to receive you from Denpasar Bali airport.
- Closest Railway Station
- The best and most convenient way to travel for Bali is to take flight to Denpasar Bali airport. Denpasar Bali airport is merely 38 kms from school.As soon as you book your flight, forward us your flight details and we will send our driver to receive you from Denpasar Bali airport.
- Traveling by Road
- The best and most convenient way to travel for Bali is to take flight to Denpasar Bali airport. Denpasar Bali airport is merely 38 kms from school.As soon as you book your flight, forward us your flight details and we will send our driver to receive you from Denpasar Bali airport.
An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules. If student cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refund in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email.
An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules. If student cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refund in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email.
# Note: ''For all refunds, the payment gateway charges, service charges and taxes will be deducted. Only the balance will be paid''.