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200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, in Rishikesh


Ram jhula | Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

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200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh Yoga being part of the transformation of medical and educational systems, becoming basic for individual and social growth. We, Rishikesh Yog Sansthan in Rishikesh took part in the development of Yoga with basic information as 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (200 hour TTC). The student can get the personal health benefits and also enormous miracles in personality. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan spreading Yoga with well experienced Yoga teachers who can easily make student to know the ancient Yoga texts and practices. Yoga Teacher Training Course has the registration with Yoga Alliance and make the student's future strong enough to make their own profession. Hence students will not only just gain the personality but will be gained certification for future growth. Yoga as "the way of life" will be practically experienced with 200 hour Teacher Training Course at Rishikesh Yog Sansthan, Rishikesh. Hence the journey of Yoga will be made with Yoga Asana (physical postures), Yoga Kriyas (physical cleaning techniques), Pranayama (Breathing techniques), Meditation (silencing techniques), Sattvic food (Yogic diet), Raja Yoga (Biorhythm), Krida Yoga (social events) and Bhakti Yoga (devotional events like prayers at river Ganga) etc., Discussion on Yoga Philosophy (concepts of ancient wisdom) and Anatomy and physiology of yoga practices will give an opportunity for exploring the depth Yoga. With this attempt Yoga can be adopted easily by any student and can be benefited at maximum from this school. Apart from these benefits, Yoga practices can be dealt in relation with the modern understandings like general walking, sports, house hold activities, job activities and mainly daily stress of anyone. With these discussions students can gain knowledge of ancient and modern lifestyle. As the likeminded people come together by written can make the process of evolution easier, we are happy to receive the future. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To protect the traditional values of Hatha Yoga To spread the true hatha yoga knowledge To encourage disease free life. Training for Yoga lifestyle Eligibility: Beginners but seekers Medium: English Duration: 28 days (200 hours) Objective: To make a person experience the traditional yoga. Goal: The learner can experience the transformation. Person can witness the most beautiful part of yogic life. OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM Teaching Process (Theory & Practical subjects) Evaluation process Code of conduct Curriculum of 200 Hrs YTTC 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course allow the begginer to explore their level of practice and learn how to incorporate yoga practices for physical, mental and emotional health. Students will learn how to plan general yoga, kids yoga and geriatric yoga sessions. The schedule is planed as per the environmental changes and the other events of the day. Hence the students can learn the Yoga lifestyle than just theoritical learning. This allows to convert every indirect knowledge into direct knowledge ("Pramana" as mentioned in Patanjali yoga Sutras). In this basic course few points can be really experienced within 28 days and take home for life time. As well mentioned in Vedas, yoga practice will tranform the personality, and the perception. This bit of realization even from modern science is opening the doors for the western views and helping many timeless lifes of the world through 200 hour Yoga teacher training course (200 hour YTTC). Chapter-1: YOGA TECNIQUES (100 hours) Introduction Principles of yoga Concept of yoga Texts of yoga History and learning Sanskrit names with english meaning Techniques: Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas Mantra: Surya Namskara Mantras, Mantra of Upanishad, Maha mrityunjai Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Asana/ Yoga Postures This chapter deals with the description of physiological changes with Asana. This can be implemented for various poses and deepen the creativity. The basic knowledge can make the student plan the session better. Hatha Yoga asanas: History and learning Sanskrit names with english meaning. Sura namaskaras Standing poses: Triangle series, Worrier series, Dolasana series, Utita Hasta Padangushtasana series. Sitting poses: Head to knee series, Plank series, Lotus series, twisting series, Raja kapotasana. Prone poses: Locust series, Bhujangasana series, Dhanurasana, Mayurasana. Supine poses: Pawan muktasana series, Chakrasana, Halasana series, Sirshasana. Introduction to different styles of yoga Pranayama/ Breathing Practices Yogic Breathing Ujjayi Bhastrika Nadi – Sodhana Bhramari Surya-Bhedi & Chandra-Bedi Sheetali & Sheetkari Yoga Gestures/ Mudras Jnana mudra Chin mudra Yoni mudra Bhairava mudra Hridaya mudra Nasikagra Khechari Yoga Bandhas/ Energy Lock Jalandhara Uddiyana Mula Maha Bandha Dhyana/ Meditation Breathing Awareness Meditation Om Meditation Trataka Dynamic Meditation Mantra Meditation Cyclic Meditation Relaxation Techniques Yoga Nidra Insant Relaxation Quick Relaxation Deep Relaxation Shatkarma/ Yoga Cleansing Techniques Jala-neti (Cleansing nostrils with water or a rubber cathedral) Vamana Dhouti (Active Vomiting technique) Trataka (Gazing technique) Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs Nauli- Open Discussion (practical is optional) Basti- Open Discussion Chapter-2: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (20 hours) This is called as Sharira Vignana in Sanskrit. Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during and after practice. There are two kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Understanding both types are needed. Brief overview: Digestive System- Basics and related yogic practices Respiratory System- Basics and related yogic practices Circulatory System- Basics and related yogic practices Nervous System- Basics and related yogic practices Endocrine System- Basics and related yogic practices Guidelines of Asana Anatomy Mind Breathing Biomechanics Ayurveda Introduction to Ayurveda Personalityaccording to Ayurvedic Essential Ayurvedic Treatments Chapter-3: YOGA DARSHANA/ YOGA PHILOSOPHY (30 hours) This subject constitutes 30 hours of teaching. The student is going to gain the sacred knowledge and also the real yogic life. Patanjali Yoga Sutras are going to be understood and implement at evey moment of the day. This is how personality can be changed and spiritual life starts (Sthitaprajna/Yogi). Introduction to yoga- Definitions and History Panchakosha Patanjali Yoga Sutras Bhagawadgita Chakras Emotions & 5 Senses Sapta dhatus Prana Trigunas Jnana Yoga Bhakti Yoga Karma Yoga Raja Yoga Yoga Sutras of Patnajali TEACHING METHODOLOGY (30 hour) This is part of asana session. This can be discussion in various classes of the daily schedule and the student will be encouraged to practice everyday for an hour separately. Structuring the Yoga Asana session. Demonstration Tone or Voice Stepwise instructions Counting- with instructions, with benefits, with numbering, with breaths. Support the weak person physically. Appreciate the best performance with voice. Stay in the final pose with the meaning of "Stiram Sukham Asanam". Outings/ Tours: These are part of the devotional, self realization activities. Ashram visit Ganga arti Kunjapuri Rafting Camping 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Daily Schedule » 05:30 am - Wake Up » 06:00 am - Herbal Tea » 06:15 am - Shatkarma/Yogic cleansing » 06:30 am - Pranayama and Chanting » 07:30 am - Yoga Asana » 09:00 am - Breakfast » 10:30 am - Yoga Anatomy » 11:30 am - Yoga Philosophy » 12:30 pm - Lunch » 04:30 pm - Yoga Breathing | Yoga Nidra » 05:00 pm - Hatha/Ashtanga Yoga Asana » 06:45 pm - Pranayama | Meditation » 07:15 pm - Dinner » 10:45 pm - Lights Out Note: This is a tentative schedule, may change according to the climatic situations. EVALUATION PROCESS (10 hours) Students will gain extensive knowledge on yoga postures and will increase their strength, flexibility and discipline. Written Test: Preparation of charts or group preentations. Oral Test: Group discussions, debates, question and answer sessions Attendance: Punctuality of 95% Performance: All practices Code of conduct: Social and ethical behaviour will be observed Assignments (after 2nd week to have the continuity of knowledge and practice) COURSE FEE INCLUDES Extensive knowledge of yoga practices. Single accommodation with attached toilet for 28 nights Three vegetarian meals everyday Planned excursions on Sundays Surprice camp with classes Yoga materials (Note book, Neti Pot, Pencil, Pen, Yoga Mat)

Join the residential 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India at Rishikesh Yog Sansthan based on Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga and become a Certified Yoga Teacher by Yoga Alliance USA. The Best Yoga Teacher training school of Rishikesh conducts 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training(200 Hr Yoga TTC) in Rishikesh, India set in stunning and peaceful location near the beach of holy river Ganga. Rishikesh is a scenic valley surrounded by the majestic Himalayan mountain range.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Drinks

Vegetarian Vegan

Jogging / Walking Path

Private Room

2 person max

Room Facilities

Wi-Fi/ Internet
Double Bed
Single Bed
Western-Style Bathroon
Hot Water Facility
Price ₹102,798

There are some amazing things to do in Rishikesh. These activities are included in the package, they can be arranged upon request.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India Daily Schedule

05:30 AM Wake Up

06:00 AM Jala Neti

06:30 AM Chanting and Pranayama

07:30 AM Yoga Asana

09:00 AM Breakfast

10:30 AM Yoga Assignments

11:30 AM Yoga Anatomy

12:30 PM Lunch

03:30 PM Yoga Philosophy

05:00 PM Asana Methodology

06:30 PM Meditation

07:00 PM Dinner

09:30 PM Lights Off

Note: This is a tentative schedule for YTTC India. This may change according to the climatic situations.

They basically provide two types of accommodation: private and twin shared rooms. Students, according to their preference.

Package Inclusions

20 Nights Accommodation all Meals

Package Exclusions

Airport Transfers Any Personal expense

People can do these things

People should not do these things


Diet restrictions


Who should not sign up for this package

Package Inclusions

27 nights accommodation all meals

Package Exclusions

Airport Transfers Any personal expense

People can do these things

People should not do these things


Diet restrictions


Who should not sign up for this package

There are some amazing things to do in Rishikesh. These activities are included in the package, they can be arranged upon request.


Drishti Yoga School, just next to the local market, offers you the chance to live in the very heart of the cradle of yoga to catch a glimpse into the city’s soul and lifestyle as well.

How to reach

Airways Connectivity

Jollygrant Dehradun

Railway Connectivity


Roadway Connectivity


About Rishikesh Yog Sansthan

Open to the countless possibilities that only Rishikesh Yog Sansthan can provide with world-renowned 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. It is a registered Yoga school in Rishikesh established for yoga teacher training courses in In...

Discipline Rules for Students Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school. If you are on fasting or absent for meals, you have to inform kitchen manager for avoiding food wastage. Always make discipline, respect teachers and follow all rules. Always be in the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join class. Clear your account of books before departure from Rishikesh Yog Sansthanl. Before departure return any other assistances if taken. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan provides accommodation for a student who join yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation. Student have to present in all scheduled program of Rishikesh Yog Sansthan

Refund Policy - Rishikesh Yog Sansthan An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules. If student cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refund in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email. Rishikesh Yog Sansthanl is not responsible for any mishappenings before course schedule.

Please chat with us or mail us at cs@ayuruniverse.com to know more about this wellness center

Prices From ₹102,798

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