300 Hours Yoga TTC
Rishikesh Yog Sansthan | Rishikesh, Uttarakhand | Himalayas
300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India
The next level 28 Days 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training certified by Yoga Alliance U.S.A. in Rishikesh India based on Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga At Rishikesh Yog Sansthan. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan offers Advanced 300 hour yoga teacher training. The 300 Hour TTC is an experiential and extensive training where you will acquire many different tools on teaching, anatomy, asana, philosophy, and more. This is a 4 weeks of advanced Yoga Teacher Training program, for those who have already achieved, the qualification of RYT 200 hours.
The 300-hour yoga teacher training course is a complete residential multi style yet traditional Hatha yoga course, running for the duration of 4 weeks. It expands on the knowledge learned in the 200-hour, to elevate your skills and deepen your understanding of yogic principles. Course fee includes food and accommodation. On successful completion, you will be a certified yoga teacher with RYS 300 – Yoga Alliance USA, after the certification of 300 Hour Yoga TTC students must register them selves with Yoga Alliance before they may use the “RYT” designation Welcome to the practice of yoga With Rishikesh Yog Sansthan,where our team of highly qualified educators will guide and suport you on this wonderful journey of discovery into your body and yourself that will help you find your fullest potential physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India Syllabus
Subject-1: Teaching Techniques and Practice
Chapter-1: Yoga Techniques
Student will learn how to reschedule the practices with ability of participant.
- Yoga scheduling for different age groups and duration of trainings.
- Multiple ways of conducting the yoga in life.
- Retreat and relevant schedule, outing and relevant schedule, festival celebration and relevant schedule, ashram visit and relevant schedule will be explained and trained.
- Adjustments and alignments of each technique will be taught in every session. Students will be guided to prepare their own schedule which can be used for the final exam. Throughout the second week they can get an idea to start teaching by one to one method. Third week group teaching and finally exam.
Chapter-2: Yoga Training
To make out the difference between correct adjustment, alignment and correction techniques of each asana.
To make the difference between traditional yoga and all other yoga styles.
To build the confidence in students through pair practice and team practice.
- Hatha Yoga
- Flow Yoga
- Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
- Acro Yoga
- Kids Yoga
- Geriatric Yoga
- Styles of Yoga
- Concepts of Ashtanga Yoga
Chapter-3: Yoga Practices
To experience each and every practice under the guidance of teacher.
To gain the confidence of teaching.
3.1 Standing Asana:-
- Utkatasana
- Vrikshasana
- Garudasana
- Tadasana
- Padangushtasana
- Padahastasana
- Trikonasana
- Parswakonasana
- Parivritta trikonasana
- Parivritta Parswakonasana
- Ardha chakrasana
- Prasarita padottanasana
- Veerabhadrasana
- Hastottasana
- Natarajasana
3.2 Sitting Asana:-
- Siddhasana
- Siddha yoni asana
- Swastikasana
- Padmasana
- Bhadrasana
- Virasana
- Simhasana
- Gomukhasana
- Matsyendrasana
- Vajrasana
- Ushtrasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Janu Sirshasana
- Navasana
3.3 Prone Lying Asana:-
- Salabasana
- Naukasana
- Dhanurasana
- Makarasana
- Bhujangasana
3.4 Supine Lying Asana:-
- Padottanasana
- Supta Padangushtasana
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Karna pidasana
- Uttana Padmasana
- Matsyasana
- Balasana
3.5 Advance Asana:-
- Mayurasana
- Kukkutasana
- Kurmasana
- Mandukasana
Chapter-4: Teaching Practice
- Demo method: Sequence, with open or closed eyes, relaxed or not, deep or shallow breath, synchronization of breath and movement, Drishti (focusing point).
- Practical method: Performance of asked practice with instructions (asana, kriya, Pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation), any advance practice, any one practice of personal choice.
- Lecture method: Specific topic, its relevance to life.
- Different ways of instructions as below
SN | Counting Tool | Counting Method |
1 | Numerical | 1, 2, 3, ……, 30 |
2 | Breath Inhale, exhale, inhale | …….5 exhale |
3 | Numerical with adjustment | 1, 2, inhale rise a bit, exhale bend further, 5, 6, … |
4 | Numerical with corrections | 1, don’t bend the knee, 3, shoulder position, 5, ….. |
5 | Numerical with benefits | 1, 2, 3, it improves concentration, 6, 7… |
6 | Numerical with helping technique | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, take the help of ankles, stretch the upper body, 10, 11, 12, 13, feel the equal pressure, 15, 16,.. |
7 | Numerical with appreciation | 1, 2, 3, well done, 5, 6, 7, continue, 9, 10, …… |
8 | Numerical with resembles of daily usage | 1, 2, 3, helps for long standing times, 6, 7, it helps during lifting weights, 8, 9, 10, helps for self-awareness. |
Sample Practical Session:-
- Step-1: Starting prayer
- Step-2: Kriya
- Step-3: Loosening practices
- Step-4: Namaskaras (Warm-up)
- Step-5: Standing asana
- Step-6: Sitting aasna
- Step-7: Prone Lying asana
- Step-8: Supine Lying asana
- Step-9: Relaxation
- Step-10: Bandha
- Step-11: Pranayama
- Step-12: Mudra
- Step-13: Meditation
- Step-14: Closing Prayer
- Step-15: Question and Answers
Subject-2: Teaching Methodology (TM)
Chapter-1: Introduction
To clear the students about the differences between all yoga techniques.
- Interaction and group discussion of all teachers.
- Team teaching with single concept.
- Reducing the diversity of subjects and make students comfortable in learning process.
- Graded training in each session of yoga techniques.
- Graded training as per personal stamina.
Chapter-2: Yoga Teaching Methods
To encourage the creativity of method of teaching as per the stamina of student or timing of the day or place of practice.
- Simple classroom arrangements.
- Personal conduct in the classroom.
- Open discussion on Yoga module & Yoga schedules
- Structuring the Yoga sessions.
- Alignments & adjustments of all yoga techniques
- Silent demonstration skills.
- Maintenance of Tone or Voice.
- Stepwise instructions.
- Points of Perception- with instructions, with benefits, with numbering, with breaths.
- Group teaching
- Pair practice
- Solo practice with alarm.
Chapter-3: Self-Assessment Methods
- Asana/ Yoga Postures Experiment: Scheduling for different age, time, place.
- Pranayama/ Breathing Practices Experiment: Prana and its awareness
- Yoga Gestures/ Mudras Experiment: Yoga mudra, Maha Mudra duration.
- Yoga Bandhas/ Energy Lock Experiment: Hunger, Thirsty, Digestion processes
- Dhyana/ Meditation Experiment: Pranic Energization with a plant
- Relaxation Techniques Experiment: Conduct a full session
- Shatkarma/ Yoga Cleansing Techniques Experiment: Progression in acceptance and contentment.
Subject-3: Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter-1: Yoga Anatomy
To provoke the understanding of yoga asana from physical level to personality change.
To explore “Prana” and experience its manifestations beyond physical body.
To correlate the modern scientific base and yogic techniques.
- Digestion & Fire; Basics and related yogic practices
- Respiration & Prana; Basics and related yogic practices
- Circulation & Vyana; Basics and related yogic practices
- Nerves and Mind; Basics and related yogic practices
- Hormones & Chakras; Basics and related yogic practices
- Biomechanical concepts of yoga techniques.
- Stay in the final pose with the meaning of "Stiram Sukham Asanam" and "Manah Prasamanopaya".
- Integration of asana, breath, focussing point.
- Ayurveda concepts
- Personality according to Ayurveda, scriptures
- Yogic Diet
- Experiment: Range of Motion (ROM), Expiratory flow volume, Heart rate variation, Circadian Rhythm.
Chapter-2: Technology in Yoga Anatomy
To get the view of internal body alignment.
To understand the disorder of body better.
To write self-experience as assignments in the self-assessment.
- Audio-Visual movie and explanation of modern view of human joints in asana.
- Explanatory colourful material for muscles & asana.
- Awareness and Breathing relevant to Yoga asana practice
Subject-4: Yoga Philosophy (YPLE)
Chapter-1: Ethics and Code of conduct
To protect the student from any sort of class room injury.
To protect students from social accidents like unknown places.
To protect students from unhygienic food from surroundings.
- We explain the life style within and outside of class room.
- Ethical considerations within team and locality.
- Students will be requested not to personally go for exploring the mountains.
- Students will be guided to follow the schedule as the map of their course.
Chapter-2: Yoga Lifestyle
To know the existence of life.
To correlate the environment around with the philosophical background of life.
To cultivate the acceptance and learn to live in reality as Saints.
- Introduction to yoga- Definitions and History
- Drishti, Panchakosha, Sapta dhatus
- Patanjali Yoga Sutras
- Bhagawad Gita
- Chakras, Emotions & 5 Senses
- Prana, Trigunas
- Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga
- Experiment: Skit of any sage life.
Chapter-3: Yoga and Environment
To understand the value of life on this Globe and know the personal contribution.
To understand the relation with the 5 elements outside and inside the body.
Understand the concept of Spirituality as, that emerges from within.
- Ashram visit: Joining the traditional school called Gurukulam at nearby ashram at river Ganga. It allows the learner to feel the actual way of learning and implementing yoga in life. The Yoga teacher also learns to see the self as beyond physical level.
- Ganga arti: Participating in the sacred activity of praying the river Ganga, one of the five elements as living God. This at the sunset times is called as Sandhya Vandanam can be learned practically under the guidance of our teacher who have lived in Gurukulam before joining this school.
- Kunjapuri: the most sacred places of Goddess Parvati, wife of lord Shiva are many on this globe. One of the famous is at the Peak Mountains of Rishikesh. It will be visited early morning to have the visit of temple and also to catch the first rays of Sun light. This is also famous as Sun Rise Temple.
- Rafting: The glory of river Ganga can be felt by taking a dip in it. If the scarcity obstructing such devotional activity, then the rafting will help to do such river bath. It is also pleasant to spend in the water between the green mountains, caves, rocks and beach.
- Camping: mountain life by saints can be felt by traveling to nearby forest life with school team and the Indian cooking styles. Adjusting ability starts from such camping life. Here the practices like asana, pranayama, meditation, bhajans, and different talents of students makes a different day from intense course at one week end of the course.
Subject-5: Yoga Practicum
Chapter-1: Yoga Detoxification Practices
To desensitise the gastro-intestinal tract. To reduce the conflicts of Mind. To invoke the stamina and stability of mind-body interactions.
- Rubber-neti: Nasal cleaning using rubber cathedral
- Vamana Dhouti: Stomach cleaning using water
- Vastra Dhouti: Stomach cleaning using cloth
- Trataka: Gazing practice
- Kapalbhati: Cleansing the using respiratory tract
- Nauli: Intestinal churning
- Agnisara: Abdominal massage
- Basti: open discussion
- Shankha Prakshalana: Intestinal cleaning-Optional
Chapter-2: Prana/ energy Practices
To experience the theoretical knowledge of these ancient techniques. To rule out the feasibility. To implement in different time zones, age zones, gender zones and general health.
- Yogic Breathing
- Ujjayi with Bandha
- Bhastrika with Asana
- Nadi – Sodhana
- Bhramari with Mudras
- Surya-Bhedi & Chandra-Bedi
- Sheetali & Sheetkari
- Moorcha
- Plavani- open discussion
Mudra & Bandha:-
- Shabhavi mudra
- Yoni mudra
- Prana mudra, Hridaya mudra
- Nasikagra, Khechari
- Vipareeta karini mudra
- Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Mula Bandha
- Maha Bandha, Maha Veda
Chapter-3: Mindfulness Practices
To cultivate the intellect and spread to the other creatures.
To be with nature around and bring Bhakti yoga into daily life. To know the different celebration for handling Emotions.
- Mantra Chanting
- Vedic Chanting
- Bhajans
- Festival Celebration/ evolution of Yoga
- Advance Meditation
- Yoga Nidra

Private Room
Wi-Fi/ Internet , Double Bed , Single Bed , Western-Style Bathroon , Hot Water Facility ,

About Rishikesh Yog Sansthan
Open to the countless possibilities that only Rishikesh Yog Sansthan can provide with world-renowned 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. It is a registered Yoga school in Rishikesh established for yoga teacher training courses in India. The yoga students come from various countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Russia and many other countries of the world. The students have experienced the true meaning of PEACE through our unique and attractive approach to teaching yoga. Whether you are a beginner or advanced in your practice, all yoga practitioners are welcome and encouraged to join this one-month program. This course is created for individuals with aspirations to become yoga teachers but is suitable for anyone wishing to further develop their yoga practice. This program "cultivates the happiness, self-love, and positivity". Hence the learner can grow deeply into spiritual. The seekers learn by practice and hence can teach the true way of the technique than reading the books or internet sources or heard or seen or self-experiments.
Throughout the course, students will learn the Yoga Alliance-approved program in a stimulating and welcoming classroom environment that meets their individualized skills. Students will leave the program with the knowledge, experience, and confidence to teach the yoga to all aged people and the diseased people. Learning the ancient wisdom and implementing as a lifestyle during this program makes the student's personality. Hence the therapeutic knowledge will be definitely useful for the person and the society at large. The therapeutic approach as it is based on the ancient scriptures can cure the disease naturally. The potential of therapeutic approach in this modern era is the uniqueness of this 200 hour program. This is one of the steps of health that is social health. Learning golden rules of lifestyle as per the physical world and living in tune with the eternal force is the basic objective of this course.
Facilities: As per the school norms, building will have the accommodation for only students. Single and double rooms are available as the flexibility for married people. Food preparation and dining will be in the same building. Library facility and office are in the same building. To reach the seasonal changes, there is facility for herbal tea and lemon tea through "Instant maker". Aqua filter water can serve everyone better as of now. Yoga hall on the roof top can give the view of mountains all around Rishikesh. Even the rooftop can be used for asana classes, kriya practices, walking and dinner. 24 hour Water and electricity facility helps in personal conduct. ATMs are available in 100 feet distance (HDFC, SBI, Axis, PNB). General store and Western type caffe are available in the ground floor of the same building. An open spce for the morning walk, temple for the Meditation, river for spending time are the additional ingradients of the day. Explore Rishikesh for personal shopping at free times and on weak ends. These starts from 50 feet distance itself as local market (Rishikesh market) and western market (Laxman Jhula). Separate staff for kitchen, office, transportation, teaching and management will be available around as family members. Manager have 10 years of experience in hotel management, Delhi and good at handling the online transactions and communications. Transportation incharge have 10 years of experience in working with education institutes in and around Rishikesh. We do have a separate person for handling the website and the feedbacks of the students to protect the quality of education system. Female and male teachers who have education from Gurukulam (traditional school) are in teaching field with named institutions from minimum 5 years. They have stretched the working capacity to this school after seeing the potential setup. With all these provisions and importantly the gratitude of students, the school is functioning successfully from October-2017 as an independent branch of Rishikesh Yog Peeth. Primary health care center and a government hospital are available to address any health issues. Counseling by our yoga teachers about Yogic diet will help the student and school.
Karma Yoga: The mission and vision of the school is to spread Yoga as far as possible to the needful people. Hence, one student in every batch gets scholarship. Students will be encouraged to grow with the school branch. As per the different cultures and traditions, if the students feel to relax in the intense learning process, there will be free camps arranged by the school. With all these the students feel homely in learning stage but carry the actual essence of Yoga. Even after finishing the course, students can attend the advance courses or advance drop ins with special discount. Extending the helping hand to the students, special workshops and research will be conducted by the teachers. This gives an additional information to the students and make them eager enough to start their own Yoga profession. Even after leaving the school, the students can be in communication with the school and get guidance in preparing classes/ workshop/ conferences at their premises. Even students can join the staff to do Karma yoga as per their interest like preparing wheat grass, feeding a cow, keeping practice place free from dust.
Our Teachers
Yoga Expert Amaravathi Erraballi In Rishikesh India (Ammu Teacher)
1. Master of Physiotherapy and PhD in Yoga (in progress)
2. RYT500 from Rishikesh Yog Peeth, Rishikesh
3. Expert in integrating both modern and ancient knowledge from 2004.
4. Working with Registered Yoga Alliance courses from 2015.
5. Teaching all subjects as per the need for the students in the class room.
6. Also prepares the "Yoga Sadhakas" after completing their TTC with different ancient techniques and lifestyle.
Yoga Expert Mimi Adeogba In Rishikesh India (Mimi Teacher)
1. PhD and Diploma from American Institute of Holistic Theology
2. She studied Biological Sciences at Yale University, New Mexico.
3. eRYT500 and Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)
4. Expert in focussing on different styles of Asana
5. Working with Registered Yoga Alliance courses from 2014.
6. She is the model for Yoga lifestyle.
Yoga Expert Vijet Kumar In Rishikesh India (Vijet Teacher)
1. Master of Science in Yoga
2. He is expert in Philosophy and Ashtanga Vinyasa.
3. ERYT500 from Rishikesh Yog Peeth, Rishikesh
4. Expert in different streams of Yoga and texts.
5. Working with Registered Yoga Alliance courses from 2013.
6. He is the model for Yoga lifestyle.
Yoga Expert Mayank In Rishikesh India (Mayank Teacher)
1. Master of Arts in Yoga (In progress)
2. He is expert in Traditional Hatha Yoga.
3. 200 RYT from Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (Mysore Style)
4. Working with Registered Yoga Alliance courses from 2017.
5. He is the model for Yoga lifestyle.
Yoga Expert Himanshu Bahuguna In Rishikesh India (Himanshu Teacher)
1. Master of Arts in Yoga (In progress)
2. He is expert in Traditional Hatha Yoga.
3. RYT 500 from Rishikesh Yog Peeth.
4. Working with yoga alliance courses from 2016.
5. He is the model for Yoga lifestyle.
Yoga Expert Govind In Rishikesh India (Govind Teacher)
1. Master of Arts in Yoga (In progress)
2. He is expert in Traditional Hatha Yoga.
3. RYT 500 from Rishikesh Yog Peeth.
4. Working with yoga alliance courses from 2016.
5. He is the model for Yoga lifestyle.
How to Reach
- Closest Airport
- Jollygrant Dehradun
- Closest Railway Station
- Rishikesh
- Traveling by Road
- Rishikesh
Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school.
If you are on fasting or absent for meals, you have to inform kitchen manager for avoiding food wastage.
Always make discipline, respect teachers and follow all rules.
Always be in the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join class.
Clear your account of books before departure from Rishikesh Yog Sansthanl.
Before departure return any other assistances if taken.
Rishikesh Yog Sansthan provides accommodation for a student who join yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation.
Student have to present in all scheduled program of Rishikesh Yog Sansthan
An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.
If student cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refund in cancellation.
There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email.
Rishikesh Yog Sansthanl is not responsible for any mishappenings before course schedule.