300 Hours Self- paced Online Yoga Teacher Training
Himalayan Yoga Association | Rishikesh, Uttarakhand | Riverside
300 Hours Self-paced Online Hatha /Vinyasa Flow /Ashtanga Based Yoga Teacher Training
Now It’s the great opportunity for all yoga practitioners to acquire online certified yoga teacher training courses from Himalayan yoga association. it is self-paced yoga course where you get minimum 40 Days to maximum 3 months to complete this course, course includes pre-recorded yoga session on each topic of each subject with clear explanation and demonstration from great teachers, You can play all the classes even in low internet speed, its completely real learning experience from us to your space, its great opportunity for all of you to complete 300 hours yoga course in very reasonable price with one of the top yoga school of Rishikesh, join us today.
India’s one of the top yoga association, courses are yoga alliance certified that makes us able to teach anywhere in the world as a certified yoga teacher So lets take this opportunity, lets make this time the most valuable time of our life.
Advantages of Becoming the Part Himalayan Yoga Association Family
What is included ?
– Access to Our Panel for all classes pre-recorded sessions
– Every day 20 mins one on one in person live conversation with teacher, in which student can ask any question regarding classes.
– Every Sunday one hour live group mantra chanting session.
– At the end of the course teacher will take live one on one 1 hour live exam, in which student has to perform asana’s asked by teacher and answer the questions.
– 24/7 Assistance team.
– Life-time access to the course, it is the best thing, you will have life-time access to all the classes it is very useful for every yoga practitioner whether you want to learn for yourself or to become a good teacher.
– Digital Course manual PDF.
– Yoga Alliance Certified Certification.
Everyday 2 Live Classes in ZOOM of Ashtanga & Hatha Vinyasa Flow
Everyday 2 Youtube Live Classes of Ashtanga & Hatha Vinyasa Flow
Advantages of Becoming the part of Himalayan yoga family
Classes recording by great teachers.
You will also get free life-time membership with Himalayan yoga association & its branches.
You will be eligible for 10% discount in our all off-line courses.
Opportunity to work with us as the assistant teacher.
Opportunity to work with us as the lead teacher.
Opportunity to work with us as the volunteer on our world-wide retreat programs.
Course Hours
230 contact hours with recorded sessions.
30 elective hours of assignments
40 non-contact hours of self-practice
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh – Course Syllabus
Mastering Hatha / Vinyasa Flow (1st Week)
- Introduction of Hatha & Vinyasa flow
- Pawanmuktasana series A
- Surya namaskar (Hatha)
- Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
- Trikonasana
- Parsvokonasana
- Privarta Trikonasana
- Privarta Parsvokanasana
- Virbhadrasana A,B,C
- Ardha chandrasana
- Chaturangadandasana
- Mathchendrasana A,B,C
- Adra Ustrasana
- Salabhasana
- Setabandasana
- Gatyatmak Paschimottasana
- Pada prasar Paschimottasana
- Saithalyasana
- Sarvangasana
- Core exercises
Week 2 nd & 3 rd
- Surya namaskar A,B (ashtanga)
- Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
- Standing
- Veerbhadrasana A,B,C
- Trikonasana
- Parsvottanasana
- Parsvokonasana
- Privirta Trikonasana
- Privirta Parsvokonasana
- Ardha chandrasana
- Utthita hasta padangusthasana
- Natrajasana
- Vriksasana
- Garudasana
- Eka pada uttanasana
- Natavarasana
- Tandavasana
- Eka padasana
- Vatayanasana
- Pada angushtasana
- Baka dhyanasana
- Eka pada baka dhyanasana
- Eka hasta bhujasana
- Santolanasana
- Vashisthasana
- Poorna matsyendrasana
- Marichyasana C, D
- Eka pada rajakaputasana
- Raja kaputasana
- Poorna ustrasana
- Dhanurasana
- Poorna shalabhbasana
- Poorna chakrasana
- Parighasana
- Koormasana
- Upavistakonasana
- Ubhaya padangustasana
- Urdvamukha paschimottasana
- Hanumanasana
- Bhoonamansana
- Laguvajarasana
- Badhakonasana
- Vishwamitrasana
- Kashyapasana
- Inverted asanas-
- Bhumi padamastakasana
- Vipreetakarani Asana
- Sarvangasana
- Padma Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Ardha padma halasana
- Sirshasana
- Salamba sirshasana
- Niralambasana
- Urdhwa padmasana
- Leg stretching
Pranayama (Breathing Control)
- Introduction of Paranayama
- The pranic body-
- Annamaya kosha
- Manomaya kosha
- Pranamaya Kosha
- Vijnanamaya Kosha
- Anandamaya Kosha
- Natural Breathing
- Abdominal Breathing
- Thoracic Breathing
- Clavicular Breathing
- Yogic breathing
- Nadi shodhana
- Pranayama & It techniques
- Sheetali Pranayama & It techniques Sheetkari pranayama
- Bhramari pranayama
- Ujjayi pranayama
- Bhastika Pranayama
- Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Moorchha Pranayama
- Surya Bheda Pranayama
- Chandra bhedana pranayama
- Swana pranayama
Shatkarma (Yoga cleansing)
- Introduction to shatkarma
- Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water)
Bandhas (Energy locks)
- Introduction to bandha
- Jalandhara bandha
- Moola bandha
- Uddiyana bandha
- Maha bandha
Mudra (Yoga Gestures)
- Introduction of Mudras
- Jnana & Chin mudra
- Yoni mudra
- Bhairava mudra
Mastering Ashtanga Primary Series & Advance postures
- The Complete traditional way of practice & teaching.
- Drishti
- Bandhas
- Breath
- Ashtanga is taught with vinyasa
On 1 st week – Introduction to Traditional Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa & sun salutation A & B.
On 2 nd week – Seated sequence postures & Finishing Sequence postures.
On 3 rd week – Some Advance postures/ Teaching methods/ Teaching by students.
On 4 th week – Questions & Answer / Feedback by teacher on improvements.
Dhayan (Meditation)
- Introduction to Meditation
- Why Meditation ?
- Meditation and Brain waves Meditation and its effect on Stress
- Obstacles in Meditation
- Role of concentration in Meditation
- Tips for developing concentration
- Meditation on Body and Breath
- Om / Mantra Meditation
- Antat and Bahir
- Trataka
- Dynamic meditation
- Yog nidra
- Ajapa japa
- Antar mouna
- Nada Meditation
Anatomy & phisology- 1st week
- Brief introduction of skeleton system & function
- synovial joints function & Anatomy
- Anatomy of shoulder & function with important name of muscles
- Anatomy of pelvic griddle with muscles names
- Spine anatomy & function/ importance in yoga practice
- Kundalini shakti introduction & function
2nd week-
- Chakra introduction & function with endocrine system
- Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
- prana introduction & importance in organ function
- Panchakosha importance in function of body
3rd week-
- Respiratory system introduction/ function and problems
- Circulatory system importance/ function & problems
- Digestive system importance/ function & problems
- Submission of assignment & revision
4th week-
- Practical exam : Presentation given to teacher
- Written exam: Submission of assigment to teacher
- Activities & Excercises
Yoga Philosophy
- Introduction, summary,& benefits of Yoga
- Evolution of yoga & Introduction to Patanjali yog sutra
- Different types of yoga
- Types of Ashrams
- Introduction to Ashtanga Yog
- Introduction to Kundalini
- Nadis & Chakras
- Pranas & Koshas
- Patanjali yoga sutras on (sammadhi &Sadhana chapters)
Evaluation are based on
- Live Written Test
- Live Asana Practical Test
Day 1
Philosophy – Introduction (300 Hour) 21 MIN
Pranayama – Introduction to Pranayama (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Meditation – What is Mantra? (300 Hour) 12 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sun Salutation A & B (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Sun Hatha (300 Hour) 12 MIN
Day 2
Philosophy – Introduction of Patanjali Yoga Sutra (300 Hour) 28 MIN
Pranayama – Yogic Breathing (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Meditation – What is meditation? (300 Hour) 19 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Standing 1st (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Moon Salutation (300 Hour) 14 MIN
Day 3
Meditation – Dynamic Meditation (300 Hour) 11 MIN
Philosophy – Introduction to Raj Yoga (300 Hour) 23 MIN
Pranayama – Bramari (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Standing 2nd (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 1 (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Day 4
Pranayama – Nadi Sodhna (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Philosophy – Obstacles of Mind (300 Hour) 29 MIN
Meditation – Om Meditation (300 Hour)27 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 1st (300-Hour) 15 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 2 (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Day 5
Meditation – Mantra Maouna (300 Hour)20 MIN
Philosophy – 8 Limbs of Yoga (300 Hour) 42 MIN
Pranayama – Shatkarma(300 Hour) 16 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 2nd (300 Hour)14 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 3 (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Day 6
Meditation – Andr Bahir (300 Hour) 11 MIN
Philosophy – Evolution of Yoga (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Pranayama – Five Kosha (300 Hour) 19 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 3rd (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 4 (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Day 7
Meditation – Mantra Meditation (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Pranayama – Bhastrika (300 Hour)19 MIN
Meditation – Tips to Improve Concentration (300 Hour) 14 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 4th (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 5 (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Day 8
Meditation – Nada Meditation (300 Hour) 24 MIN
Philosophy – Introduction Karma Yoga (300 Hour) 21 MIN
Pranayama – Sheetal (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 5th (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 6 (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Day 9
Meditation – Ajapa Japa (300 Hour) 19 MIN
Pranayama – Jal Neti (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Philosophy – Introduction to Trigunas (300 Hour) 24 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 6th (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Flow 7 (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Day 10
Meditation – Obstacles in Meditation (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Philosophy – Objectives of Yoga (300 Hour) 19 MIN
Pranayama – Ida (300 Hour)15 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 7th (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Flow 1 (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Day 11
Meditation – Trataka (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Philosophy – Summary of Yoga (300 Hour) 30 MIN
Pranayama – Swana Breath (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting 8th (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Flow 2 (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Anatomy – Intro to Nadis (300-Hour) 20 MIN
Day 12
Meditation – Roles of Concentration (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Meditation – Why should we meditate? (300 Hour) 19 MIN
Pranayama – Bandhas (300 Hour) 16 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Sitting Posture 9th (300 Hour) 22 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Flow 2 Part 2 (300 Hour) 11 MIN
Anatomy – Kundalini (300-Hour) 26 MIN
Day 13
Meditation – Yoga Nidra (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Pranayama – Kapal Bhati (300 Hour) 18 MIN
Ashtanga Yoga – Finishing 1st (300-Hour) 15 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Arm Balancing (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Anatomy – Palvic Gurdel (300-Hour) 24 MIN
Day 14
Ashtanga Yoga – Finishing 2nd (300-Hour) 16 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Hip Opening (300 Hour) 15 MIN
Anatomy – Panch Kosha (300-Hour) 37 MIN
Day 15
Ashtanga Yoga – Finishing 3rd (300-Hour) 14 MIN
Vinyasa Flow – Second Week Back Bending (300 Hour) 17 MIN
Anatomy – Prana (300-Hour)23 MIN
Day 16
Vinyasa Flow – Finishing (300 Hour) 13 MIN
Anatomy – Shoulder Joints (300-Hour) 23 MIN
Day 17
Anatomy – Spine (300-Hour)30 MIN
Day 18
Anatomy – Synovial Joints (300-Hour) 28 MIN
Day 19
Anatomy – introduction to skeleton sysytem (300-Hour) 30 MIN
Day 20
Anatomy – Digestive System (300-Hour)41 MIN
Day 21
Anatomy – Cardiovascular System (300-Hour)29 MIN

Online Yoga TTC
Wi-Fi/ Internet , Double Bed , Western-Style Bathroon , Hot Water Facility ,

Himalayan yoga Association aim is to provide practitioners authentic yoga education as it is through yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, providing a great team of accomplished yogis who speaks through their consciousness, who has experienced what they teach, providing students real yogic life-style so that they can feel the power or energy of yogic life. Providing traditional yoga teachings by our Expert Yoga Teachers in Rishikesh as it was about thousand years ago, providing pious environment to go beyond the physical and the mental states to live the life in everlasting bliss.
The most important purpose of our courses is to completely prepare the students (yoga practitioners) in yoga sciences so that when he/she completes their study their vision for teaching or practice is clear.
Himalayan yoga Association & Yoga school is running many yoga courses, courses are being run to keep the main purpose in the mind to full-fill everyone needs. Currently himalayan yoga Association is offering short yoga retreats in Rishikesh, yoga for beginners, yoga for inter-mediate, yoga for advance students. The master course is 3 months yoga diploma which is affiliated by the government of india and it’s certification is recognized all around the world. Other courses such as: 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh are affiliated by yoga alliance USA, Yoga alliance UK, Yoga alliance inter-national.
All yoga teachers at Himalayan Yoga Association are certified accomplished yoga teachers, holding master and Phd degree in Yoga Sciences recognized by the government of India. All gurus have been teaching yoga for many years around the world and their experience as well as accomplishment on the path of yoga makes very easy for them to understand their students and guiding them towards right direction.
Himanshu Ji (The Founder)
Yoga philosphy Teacher & Meditation Teacher
A simple man, fewer needs, and an accomplished yogi is what describe Himanshu Ji. He is one of the most respected yoga gurus in the yoga city of Rishikesh. His aim has always been to educate the people about yoga sciences and yoga philosophy. He has become an accomplished yogi after acquiring an intense yoga sadhana. He is pursuing Masters in Indian & Western Philosophy. He encourages the yoga students to explore and deepen their practice at their own pace. Since he is the founder of the leading yoga institutes of Rishikesh, he ensures that his classes remain safe, energetic, and dynamic and taught with humor and integrity.Himanshu Ji teaches yoga philosophy ‘Teachings of Maharishi Patanjali’s yoga sutras & teachings of Bhagavad Gita.’ Besides yoga teaching, he loves to play harmonium & dholak. He also conducts kirtan nights for yoga students so that they will be able to learn about Indian classical & traditional music and its power added with spiritual songs.
Yogi Vivek ji
Ashtanga & Pranayama
One of the fabulous yoga instructor in rishikesh. He believes in practice and that’s what makes him a good teacher. He is very calm and composed. His teaching style is very unique which always assists beginners as well as advanced practitioners. He’s very energetic and always keen to help everyone. He has got tremendous enthusiasm. He has spent a lot of days in ashram which makes him very dextrous. He is currently pursuing masters in yoga from sanskrit university.
Yogini Durgesh Ji
Meditation/Pranayama/Philosophy Teacher
At age of 16 started practicing the yoga, specially meditation. While Seeking the answer about life, in 2014 came contact with Vipassana since then started practicing deeply and found peace within self and got complete transformation in the approach towards life.When Got professional degree in Yoga Science, dedicatedly teaching Yoga for four and half years.
Swami Ji
Meditation/Yoga Philosophy Teacher
Swami ji is a great yogi, an ideal person and true teacher who can tell the truth, an inspiration for all of us, we are very fortunate to have his presence in the ashram that guides us to always perform the right actions, swami is a writer, scholar, highly educated, he knows his students and their expectations from life, he guides students very well by which students completes the course with no doubts.
Swami ji words- Yog is union with true self, blissful soul.
Yogi Ankit Ji
Ashtanga / Hatha/ Alignment Teacher
Yogi Ankit Ji has a profound experience of teaching Ashtanga/ Vinyasa flow/ Hatha/ Iyengar Yoga. His heart is the source of inspiration which helps the yoga students to know true Practices of yoga. Ankit Ji has learned yogic teachings from great yoga masters. He has completed his master degree and he is teaching yoga for 2 years the deep experience of teaching has helped him to develop special teaching techniques which proved effective.
Yogi Vipin Ji
Hatha/Ashtanga/Vinyasa flow Instructor
One of our finest yoga instructor Yogi Vipin Ji is a gold medalist in international yoga championship events. The simplicity of Vipin Ji and his life and teachings helped the students to know what the want to do in their life. He is the ideal yoga teacher for all practitioners because his teaching covers all aspects of yoga but it also cultivates love in practice.Power, inquiry, endurance & summerise his yoga teachings.
Yogi Amit Ji
Ashtanga/ Vinyasa flow/ Hatha/ Acro yoga Teacher
Yogi Amit ji is very well know master of Ashtanga/ Vinyasa flow/ Hatha/ Alignment, Amit ji has completed his master degree in yoga sciences as well as he has more than 2 years of teachings experienced in the path yoga currently yogi amit is serving yogic teachings with us at Himalayan Yoga Association.
Yogi Kirti Anand Ji
Hatha/Ashtanga/Vinyasa flow Instructor
Yogi Kriti ji is our one of the best yoga teacher in Rishikesh, born and brought in a spiritual environment-Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Mudra Yoga, and Mantra Chanting are some of his expertise, Kriti ji has done his master in yoga sciences, he is also Yoga alliance & QCI Level – 1 certified recognized by AYUSH and IYA.
Yogini Alka Ji
Yoga Therapy, Philosophy, Pranayama and Meditation
Yogini alka ji is very Experienced and passionate yoga Teacher in rishikesh at Himalayan yoga association, Alka ji has done Masters from Gurukul Sanskrit university and also done diploma in yoga science from morarji desai institute..she has lead yoga classes in yoga therapy,philosophy,pranayama and meditation. Worked with students of all body types and fitness levels..very particular about the needs of each and every student.
Yogi Rahul Ji
Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa flow, Alignment & Anatomy
Yogi rahul is an excellent teacher of hatha, Ashtanga, vinyasa flow, alignment, anatomy in rishikesh at Himalayan yoga association, rahul ji has been practicing yoga for more than 4 years in India as well as in many other countries, he holds master degree in yoga sciences, rahul ji is one of the residential teacher at HYA, rahul ji classes are very informative at the same time powerful and fun loving, calm and pure nature of rahul ji gives him a very positive personality which attracts every student to learn more from him about the yoga sciences.
Yogi Vishnuraj Ji
Philosophy & Meditation Teacher
Yogi vishnu raj ji is philosophy & meditation teacher in Himalayan yoga association in rishikesh, India, as he is practicing yoga since childhood he loves to share these ancient yogic teachings with everyone, a very disciplined being at the same time very fun loving, he holds master degree in yoga sciences from haridwar yoga university in India, he has been teaching for a long time in India as well as in other parts of the world, students love his philosophy classes so come & join us to learn these ancient yoga teachings at (HYA) ?
Yogi Pankaj Ji
Yoga Therapy
Yogi Pankaj is yoga therapy teacher in HYA, pankaj has done Masters in yoga sciences from one of the very prestigious yoga university of India ( dev sanskrity haridwar university) he also done many other yoga courses and teaching yoga for 3 years in rishikesh at HYA, his behaviour and style of teachings are very simple that it can be understood easily, students love his presence as well as teaching.
How to Reach
- Closest Airport
- Dehradun
- Closest Railway Station
- Rishikesh
- Traveling by Road
- Nice roads
An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules. If student cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refund in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email.
An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules. If student cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refund in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation. Student just has to inform by email.
# Note: ''For all refunds, the payment gateway charges, service charges and taxes will be deducted. Only the balance will be paid''.