Siddha Yoga Peeth
Siddha Yoga Peeth
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Siddha Yoga Peeth India, a Registered Yoga School (RYS) offering 200 and 300-hour yoga programs, is situated at the heart of Rishikesh, the Yoga capital of world.
Siddha Yoga Peeth is a registered Yoga school with Yoga Alliance USA. The center offers comprehensive Yoga Teachers Training programs that allows students to embrace Patanjali Sutra, that was embed on the principles consisting eight spiritual practices, leading to the path of internal purification.
Siddha Yoga Peeth is the result of one man’s vision and persistence to help individuals learn the ancient wisdom, Shailendra Shivanand is a disciple of Avadhoot Baba Shivanand Ji. Shailendra Shivanand was inclined towards discovering the spiritual planes, his inclination lead him to embrace teachings of Swami Vivekanand, Bhagwan Nityananda (Ganesh Puri) and many ascended masters of India. His search lead him further to his calling and he finally found his Guru under whom he was then initiated as a Siddha Sadhak. He believes one must always remain a Sadhak (seeker). With this attitude, the infinite will miraculously lead one to their true calling.
The Yoga Teachers Training courses at Siddha Yoga Peeth are designed to unleash ones desire to know the self and merge the three levels of consciousness – Physical, Psychological & Philosophical knowledge. The programs are structured on the foundations of Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga and are formulated from basic to advance level.
The center aims to help studetns unfold their true infinite potential through meditation and ancient techniques practicing with eight limbs of Patanjali yoga. The Level 1 teachers training program is a 200-hour course. The Level 2 program is a 300-hours course for students who have successfully completed Level 1.
Yoga means “the control of the mind”; Ashtanga means “eight limbs.” Primarily, the purification in Ashtanga is of the first four limbs – Yama (moral codes), Niyama ( Self-purification and study), Asana ( posture) Pranayama ( breath control). The external purification is can be corrected, however the internal purification requires an extensive cleansing practices – Pratyahara (sense control), Dharana (concentration) Dhyana (meditation) Samadhi (merging with infinite).
Hatha Yoga is a way with which you prepare the body for higher levels of energy by disciplining and purifying it. The blocked channels and pathways leading towards higher energies in the body are cleansed by means of Hathya Yoga.
How to Reach
- Airway Connectivity
- Jollygrant Airport, Dehradun
- Railway Connectivity
- Rishikesh/ Haridwar Railway Station
- Roadway Connectivity
- Connected to all major cities from Rishikesh