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Keep your Kidneys healthy with Ayurveda

Written by , March 15, 2018 in Ailments

The two bean shaped organs that are found under the ribcage and beside the vertebral column are our kidneys. They are about 11 cm long, 6 cm wide and 3 cm thick, weighing about 160 gms and does the all-important job of removing the waste from the blood by eliminating it as urine. Our kidneys filters about 120 liters of blood every day and produce approximately 1.5 to 2 liters of urine per day.

The role of the Kidney

The most important job of the kidney is to eliminate body wastes as urine. This is done when blood enters the kidney through the renal artery and cleaned through tiny filters called nephrons. A single kidney contains about one million nephrons.
Other functions of the kidneys include: controlling the volume of body fluids to maintain homeostasis of the body, regulation of acid-base balance, elimination of inorganic ions such as Na+, K+, Cl’, phosphate, etc. maintaining electrolyte concentration, maintaining the plasma concentration, hormone secretion such as including erythropoietin, enzyme renin, activated form of Vitamin D, etc. as well as regulating blood pressure. Along with all these, the kidneys also assist in eliminating the urea, sulphur and toxins that are induced by ingested or prescribed drugs.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, about 10% of the world population is affected by chronic kidney diseases (CKD). Early detection and treatment is the key as it can help prevent kidney failure and the need for dialysis or transplant treatment.

Kidney stones are formed because of calcium, phosphates or oxalates deposits that are formed in the kidney and remain there for a long time. They are also known to get lodged in the narrow part of the urinary tract, leading to excruciating pain. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water, though people can get kidney stones because of a medical condition or family history.

Some of the kidney diseases are polyuria, oliguria, anuria, nephritis, uraemia, renal calculus, dysuria, pyelitis, acute kidney injury, kidney failure, kidney infection. Kidney failure happens when the kidneys fail to filter the waste products from the blood properly.  Other conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, prolonged use of antibiotics and painkillers, chronic infection, acute dehydration, accidental kidney injury, blockage in urine drainage tube are all risk factors for kidney diseases.

Ayurvedic Kidney Management

Kidneys are called Vrikka in Ayurveda and are formed by rakta (blood) and medha dhatu (fat tissue). Vrikka is said to be the source or root for Medovaha Srotas (fat tissue channels). Any disease related to the blood and fat may affect the functioning of the kidneys and an example for this is Prameha or Diabetes.

When the kapha dosha blocks the srotas i.e. Mutravaha Srotas (urinary system/ channels carrying the urine), there is an increase in the vata dosha. This can lead to improper production of urine which in turn causes degeneration of the tissues that leads to malfunctioning of the kidneys and eventually damages the kidney.

When there is any problem in the kidneys, the person may experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, pain, muscle twitches or cramps, variation in the quantity of urination, frothy urine due to excess protein, edema in the ankles and feet, puffiness in the face, constant body itching, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, blood in the urine etc.

Ayurveda uses several safe and effective herbs that help in better functioning of the kidney and even help avoid dialysis. These herbs aim to normalize the doshas and restore the kidney functions by strengthening the kidneys. It is important to note that any treatment given at the earlier stages will help better than opting for treatment in later stages. In the later stages of kidney failure, it is recommended that the patient undergo dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Some of the herbs that aid in restoring the functions of Kidney include:

  1. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) –Punarnava is known for its restoration property as it brings back the vigor and vitality to the body. It is a herbal diuretic and has anti-inflammatory properties. It has pitta and kapha dosha balancing property.
  2. Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) – Gokushra is also very effective in balancing the 3 doshas. It is also a diuretic herb and is known for its rasayana properties. It is commonly prescribed for kidney stones and is known to help avoid dialysis.
  3. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – Haritaki is one of the constituents of Triphala and is known for its rasayana or rejuvenating properties. It is a pancharasa (has all five tastes), with the astringent taste predominating. It is Pramehahara Dravyae. useful in diabetes and also used in urinary tract infections. It helps release the blockages in the srotas or channels.
  4. Kaasni (Cichorium intybus) – It improves the function of the kidneys. It also provides excellent results for respiratory problems, cardiac diseases and digestive disorders. It helps in balancing of kapah and pitta dosha and acts well as an anti-inflammatory.
  5. Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) – It is known for healing infections. Its anti-diabetic properties assist help in healing urinary infections. It has astringent and bitter taste and balances pitta and kapha dosha. It is also beneficial in diseases of eyes, liver and even cancer.

So why do kidneys fail? Our lifestyle and diet habits play a major role in maintaining good kidney health. Here are some tips that will help one from kidney damage:

  1. Avoid overuse of painkillers, sleeping pills, analgesics, NSAIDs as prolonged usage of these can harm the functioning of the kidneys
  2. Avoid consuming diet that is rich in potassium and sodium
  3. Avoid smoking, tobacco chewing and even alcohol consumption
  4. Avoid red meat consumption as they are very rich in proteins and fats
  5. Limit the intake of dairy products
  6. Always consume food that is rich in fibers and low in proteins and saturated fats
  7. Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices
  8. Include lots of fresh vegetables and fruits such as pumpkin, carrot, onion, lettuce, eggplant, radish, cucumber, cauliflower, ash guard, bottle guard, turnip, ginger and garlic, apple, papaya, blueberry, pears, figs, watermelon, etc
  9. Always consume freshly prepared food and avoid consumption of canned food
  10. Maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels by checking them regularly
  11. Those suffering from Diabetics must maintain healthy blood glucose levels

Apart from diet and medication, it is important to exercise or practice Yoga to keep the kidneys healthy. Here are recommended Yogasanas for kidney disorders:

  1. Padahastasana – Forward bend pose
  2. Parivritta Trikonasana – Twist Triangle Pose
  3. Navakasana – Boat Pose
  4. Setu Bandha Asana – Bridge Pose
  5. Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
  6. Ardhamatsendriyasana – Half lord of the fishes pose or sitting half spinal twist
  7. Shalabhasana – Sphinx Pose
  8. Pashimottanasana – Seated forward bend pose.
  9. Marichasana – Pose of Sage Maricha
  10. Parivritta Janu Shirshasana – Revolved Head to knee pose

Always contact an expert Ayurveda physician, in the early stages, so that the kidney function can be treated. Even the Ayurvedic prescribed medicines must be taken with caution with proper care to ensure that they are flushed out from the body properly. One should never self-medicate or buy medicines over the counter, without proper prescription. These small bean shaped organs require all the care they can get as they are vital in eliminating toxins and better functioning of the human body.

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